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What is Systematic Living?

October 15, 2009

Systematic living is living your life on purpose. It is about making active decisions instead of reacting instinctively(action versus re-action). Think about how many decisions you make each day? There are many things that require a choice like, what to eat, when to go to bed, to workout or to not workout, or even what we should say or not say. Yet, many of the most important choices are made by habit or out of routine, not by a purposeful decision.

To make things worse the choices we are most likely to put on autopilot are the most basic and therefore have far reaching effects. If we do not get adequate rest, nourishment, or exercise on a regular basis our entire life will suffer the consequences. In this sense, Systematic Living could be misunderstood. It is not Automatic Living, rather it is Purposeful Living. However, I call it Systematic Living because I believe that we need a systematic way of making these kind of  basic but important decisions.

Habits can be good or bad, but most often they tend towards the negative. Our eating habits are rarely naturally healthy, it is easy to “stay up” to watch the game or a favorite show (even with DVR’s). The more we rely on our habits the more they degenerate into negative results. In order to solve this problem we need a way to make decisions that will emphasize the actions that will produce the results we are after and minimize the negative. To this end I suggest a system of review where a person starts with the most basic areas of life and reviews how they do things and the results they can expect from their actions and then developing a plan of action to improve these basic areas so that every area of life can experience the benefit.

That’s what this blog is all about. More nuts and bolts ideas to follow soon. . .

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